Brighter support Santos with strategic and day-to-day communications optimising how they present their messages to key audiences, including local communities, company employees, investors and trade stakeholders.
Santos is a leading oil and gas producer, supplying energy to homes, businesses and industries across Australia and Asia. The scale and complexity of its operations, alongside its focus on community engagement, means that Santos's creative requirements are broad and diverse.
Brighter has played a key role in ensuring this high profile business optimises how it shares key messages with core audiences and stakeholders. Our fresh approach to creativity for brochures, fact sheets, technical mapping, business-critical presentations and community engagement materials ensures Santos can successfully meet its communications objectives.

Brighter has become a key part of our Brand and Communications team. They’re able to deliver across a range of tasks and timelines. Brighter has exceeded our expectations and has earned a place in our business as our design team of choice.